/BCO-DMO/CRD_FLUZiE/biogenic_silica_profiles --event_lat eq 9.5-- Level 1

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#  Biogenic Silica Profiles:
#    Water-column particulate biogenic silica & net rate of biogenic silica production
# IO)
#  Michael Landry (UCSD-SIO)
#  Contact: Jeffrey Krause (DISL)
#  Version: 23 April 2015
event  cast  cycle  date       event_lat  event_lon  
1111   85    5      07242010   9.5        -87.476    
depth  silicate  biogenic_silica  net_biogenic_silica_production  
2      2.4       59.1             nd                              
12     2.18      78.1             nd                              
20     2.35      61.2             nd                              
30     8.93      82.2             nd                              
40     14.52     97.6             nd                              
50     18.64     63.6             nd                              
70     18.21     86.7             nd                              
100    18.92     66.8             nd